March 10, 2011

Lee bought home some chocolate mint cookies last night with the bread for dinner, so we had 3 each after dinner, and they were delicious.

I am terrible, I skipped breakfast today. It was hard to wake up and I just pottered around and before I knew it, 11:30 showed its head which is when I usually start to think about lunch.
For lunch I made a quesadilla with refried beans, olives and cheese. Not very interesting but thats what was in the fridge. I think I made Lee a much more interesting lunch of ham, cheese, mustard and pickles on garlic loaf. Doh.

We aim to head to spin tonight, then its Lee's turn to cook. Pork burgers and sweet potato wedges. Nice!

EDIT:  ok, we didn't make it to spin, but we did make it to a pub for some dip and a few pints! Then Lee did cook dinner, we did have the pork burgers and the sweet potato wedges, and it rocked!

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