March 09, 2011

Last nights chicken was really good. We were starving after the hardest spin class either of us have done since about six months before we left the UK. Its very good to find a great instructor with great music and a challenging class.  We stuffed our faces with this tasty chicken that Lee prepared and a side salad that I made - lettuce, tomato, spring onion, olives and goats cheese (it has been bought to my attention that some of you have picked up on the fact we eat goats cheese quite regularly!).

Breakfast this morning was the usual, but I got hungry at 10 so went a yogurt with some nuts.
I felt like today is an egg day, so I made this, my ol' trusty omelet which was uber delicious:

Dinner tonight is chicken cacciatore! It's a slow cooking recipe which I am quite excited about, and already in the dutch oven on low. I am making it sans anchovies though, we don't have any, I forgot, and Lee doesn't like them anyway. I used to hate them, but now they dont bother me, unless there are about 100 on a pizza, that still makes me gag, you might as well eat a tin of Whiskers.
I do love a recipe that requires 'half a cup of white wine' so you have to buy a whole bottle... tee hee! And its in the fridge... waiting....

I was meant to walk to Sobey's again today, do the 5km round walk like I did yesterday  which was lovely, but today the weather is appalling, gone from snow to wet snow to rain, so I reckon I might get Lee to pick up the crusty bread to go with dinner ;) Instead I guess I am stuck with indoor exercises, but thats ok too, better than nothing.

Will update with a pic of dinner later on.

UPDATE: Chicken cacciatore was a huge success with plate licking and everything. Lee bought a garlic oval loaf home, I heated it up in the oven, we got three bits of chicken each and, well, check it out:

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