March 15, 2011

I wasn't up for gym last night, too exhausted so we stayed home and had our chicken fillet and salad for dinner. I also got hungry at about 9pm, so I had a slice of bread with jam.

Breakfast was the same as usual today, was uber difficult to get out of bed this morning. 

Lunch was really tasty, left over chicken with some pickle relish and a poached egg on ryvitas. I still need a poach coach cos I can't seem to get them right.
I am about to tuck into a yogurt with some nuts and a cuppa.

Tonight... well tonight we get a treat. After spin we are having steak! Would love to bbq it but will do it in a pan on the stove. With it, we have another salad, and I might do some broccoli, not sure yet. Will update later with a pic.

UPDATE: Dinner was... AMAZING! And we skipped spin, whoops. Steak (with sweet potato wedges oven baked with paprika and cinnamon, and some steamed broccoli) and salad, check it out. New York strip steaks are on sale at the moment, I got two for $8.50 so couldn't say no. Wish we had a bbq though.

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