March 21, 2011

Left over pie last night was ok, but we didn't eat it all, not sure what that's all about...
Also, you may have noticed there is a new poll just over there to the right ------------->
Even if you don't eat fishy foods, please vote!

This morning was breakfast as usual, the grapefruit was full of pips and annoyed us both greatly but at least it was tasty. Need to leave the natural peanut butter out of the fridge, its too hard to work with in the morning when we take it out and it breaks the ryvitas. Oh the problems we have eh?!

I had a handful of nuts mid morning with my green tea, and had to eat my lunch early because I had some training session at lunch time. Rude! People who schedule training at lunch o'clock should be informed how inappropriate this is. Maybe I will write a memo....
I had a naked salad of lettuce, tomato, cucumber, olives and goats cheese with some pumpkin seeds  thrown on top. And, I remembered to take a photo:

It was really really good. No seriously, it was!

Tonight for dinner we had filo pastries filled with beef & veg (celery, mushroom, zucchini, capsicum & onion), with a side salad (lettuce, tomato & chickpeas). We had the filo left over from the pie on Saturday and I didn't want to waste it, plus I wanted something that I could throw together easily as its a busy few days. I made the meat & veg filling yesterday, so just had to lie out a sheet or two of filo, spoon it in, roll it up and bake on 180 for 25 minutes. Delicious! Although it has to be, we have it for the next couple of days, hahaha....

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