March 19, 2011

Last nights date night at the comedy was fantastic, I think my dinner really made the evening, Lee even had food envy. We went to Rum Runner, a pub where Yuk Yuk's Comedy Club is. I had a burger, and found another of what we call a  'Marshall Burger'. It was heaven in a bun.
This bad boy had smoked hickory cheddar, a massive lean tasty beef patty, a 'secret' bbq sauce, lettuce, tomato and pickle. Sen-bloody-sational. I substituted my fries for sweet potato fries which came with a spicy jalapeno aioli , and didn't even finish them. I know I don't usually include photos of me eating but it was so good I had to! Look at that grin, just like a pig in mud eh?

We were home early so had a decent night sleep but still managed to miss spin. I am seeing a pattern here we need to correct.
So I made a yummo breakfast instead, and Lee brewed us some hazelnut coffee. Spinach and poached egg on unbuttered toast. Delicious. Although it needed salt it was very tasty indeed, and I think my poaching is coming along well, just gotta keep practicing I guess. Look at those steaming eggs!

Lunch is going to be a salad something, I have two ripe avocados I need to use, and I am planning on making Moroccan Chicken Pie for dinner. We need to do grocery shopping today, and I need to be included in the 'work lunch' plan. I am sure it will be salads all the way. Yawn.

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