March 02, 2011

Dinner last night went well, though the zucchini went bad in the fridge so I had to piff it. I hate food going off and throwing it out, it seems such a waste. Also we are all out of seeded mustard which I love and always use in my bean salad, so it felt a little wrong, but we still liked it.

Breakfast this morning was a yogurt with nuts and a coffee. Very unsatisfactory but what are you gonna do?

Lunch was left over beans from last night, with the capsicum and some goats cheese. I would love to devour a t-bone steak but have to make do with left over veggies, maybe another box of soup. 

I did get hungry in the afternoon so I had a ham sandwich.

Tonight we have honey garlic sausages and salad. We miss sausages, we ate a lot of sausages when traveling around California cos they are cheap, filling and we were camping. It's also part of the reason I am about 10kg overweight! So we limit our sausage intake at the moment, but they were filthy cheap.

I am really excited about the cooking challenge this Saturday, I haven't had beef wellington in years, and looking forward to having a crack at it myself. My cooking has already improved just by doing this blog because I am constantly thinking and trying to make it better, to try new things, and set myself challenges. So while I might still be unemployed my time is definitely not being wasted.

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