April 24, 2011

First thing I ate when I woke up was chocolate. Now come on people, don't you judge me, I think that was a global breakfast, no?! Well to be fair it was only two little eggs, not really going to feel guilty after that.

For actual breakfast I ate the rest of the grapefruit and a peanut butter ryvita. We are out of coffee, so will have to send Lee off during the week when he is off work to go get some more.

For lunch I had a massive left over pork sandwich with coleslaw & tomato sauce, check out this bad boy:

Loving this healthy slaw, thanks for the inspiration, G-Ram!

The plan for dinner is sundried tomato pesto fettuccine. I cant make it just yet as Lee is asleep at the food processor isn't exactly a low soothing humming machine. I have basil, and some walnuts also, so will blitz that up with some olive oil, garlic & parmesan and a touch of salt and that should do it. Stir through with some low fat sour cream, and possibly a Mez Egg.

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