April 22, 2011

After last nights pizza calorie fest it was time to get back on the health wagon. But man it was sooooo good, I would have taken a picture but once again my drooling and hunger factor interfered with my memory until it was too late.

For breakfast this morning I had a ryvita with natural peanut butter, and skipped the grapefruit. I just couldn't be bothered. After eating it for so many years I think its time to change my method, I might cut it up into a fruit salad like my mum does. Easier to eat, can prep ahead, making mornings quicker. Plus I can throw in some fresh berries if I want. Nice.

I gotta say, lunch was awesome. I poached some salmon, blanched some asparagus, made a leafy salad with some gorgeously red radishes (I look at them with dreamy eyes at the pretty colour, they might as well have a diamond-encrusted exterior).  And to top it off, I added a poached egg. I made a dressing this time - orange & lemon juice and rind, spring onions, vinegar & a drizzle of olive oil. Super food eat your heart out.

I had never poached fish before, so this is good news. I am already thinking about future possibilities.

For dinner we went veg, I made a shiitake mushroom and tofu rice dish. I kinda followed a recipe, and actually think I should have followed it more closely rather than just 'winging it'. For example, the short grain white rice was a bad idea. It tasted good but was pretty gluggy, the brown rice would have been much better. I even think the long grain brown would have worked better than this.  Also, the recipe said to use dried shiitake but I used fresh, next time will definitely go with dried.
Still, this is what it looked like, and was pretty good, and up there on the healthy factor, so there you have it.

There is still one week left to vote for the fishy dish, so if you haven't already done so, please do. Looks like the quinoa paella is out by a long shot but wont count my chickens just yet. Whatever wins should be fun to make!

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