April 11, 2011

Well, lets see. This morning I had grapefruit and a ryvita before heading off on my walk to work. Managed to catch Lee on his way home from work half way which was the best 5 seconds of my morning!

Ate some nuts at work, my lunch was a salad of lettuce, tomato, capsicum, cucumber and olives with goats cheese. Had a yogurt after lunch, so I wasn't really hungry until after my walk home, I was suddenly famished!
So I ate half a slice of Lee's lasagna, sorry Lee.

For dinner I had a bowl of borscht, which funnily enough was at 5:30pm. I followed it with some steamed asparagus with poached eggs, a slice of rye toast and some crushed pecans at about 8pm. Delicious, although I still cant work out if I ate too much, I don't feel like I did but it sounds like a lot....

Plans for tonight - more study and more reading about Chinese cooking. That's it.

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