April 17, 2011

Had a ryvita with peanut butter and a coffee for breakfast. Not much but its all I felt like.

Lee and I went to do the grocery shopping, and decided to have a bite to eat while we were out. I had a chicken wrap, and shamefully, some chips, but they were soooooo gooooood! Lee helped me eat some of them, and the rest we left behind.

Have been rather productive today with study, shopping and cooking. For dinner we had something a bit random, baked chicken cabbage rolls. I didn't have a recipe, I just 'winged it'.
This is what it looked like:

And I gotta say, f@$!ing yum! I made the chicken mix by blitzing garlic, celery, and chicken mince with an egg in The President. I made something not unlike a ratatouille (although a bit heavier on the tomato side) to serve it upon, and some roasted tomatoes in the dish with the rolls. I also figured why not and added made a bechamel sauce to chuck on top, as its lacking in anything heavy.
Next time I think just roasted veg (maybe some eggplant) on rice, or even serve them in a tomato soup of some sort. Either way, my gosh tasty as. We have them for lunch tonight, and dinner tomorrow. Not bad for $2.37 of lean minced chicken eh?

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