April 15, 2011

Playing a bit of catch up here.... lets see...

Yesterday morning I was bad. I skipped breakfast and head straight in to work. I ate an apple and some nuts but was starving by 10am so I purchased a banana muffin. It was soooo good, but wont be doing that again, I can't imagine it to be very healthy. 

For lunch I had a cabbage salad left over from the night before and was famished by the time I got home. We had a lot to do, so eating was postponed until after we got everything sorted.

We head to the McGregor's for the evening and dinner was great! We started with some exceptional cheeses Krista bought (there was a caramalised onion cheddar, a mango and ginger stilton and not sure what the other one was, but it was tasty!). There were also dips and crackers, delicious and I couldn't stop constantly pecking at it. Gotta love a snack platter.

For dinner we had fillet steak on the bbq with mushrooms (Jad makes amazing tasting mushrooms) a baked potato with sour cream & chives, some coleslaw and a bean salad we picked up on the way. YUMMO. Great food, great wine and great company, a fun evening!

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