April 18, 2011

Last night I got the munchies and snacked on a small pastrami and mustard sandwich. Probably shouldn't have but cant fight the munchies!

This morning I had a ryvita with peanut butter for breakfast, once again skipping the grapefruit. Bad form on my part. I ate some nuts in the morning at work, and a yogurt.
Lunch was this and it was awesome:

No no, they were not both for me, one was Lee's! Cabbage roll, veggies and tucson bean salad.

In the afternoon I ate an apple and some rice snack things, and for dinner I had two cabbage rolls. There wasn't any of the other stuff left over but thats ok, was yum on its own. Although I did add some garlic tabasco, gave it a small kick which was well received I must say.

Some how another thingie of ice cream made it into our freezer so we snacked on that after dinner. Damn you tasty ice cream! Has pecans, brownies, chocolate fudge and caramel mixed up with smooth vanilla ice cream. *drool*.

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