April 27, 2011

Much better today. Although breakfast was silly of me, I had a peanut butter ryvita, there wasn't any grapefruit left. When I got to work at 6:40am I was starving so waited for the caf to open and had a banana muffin.

My lunch was a salad, also from the cafe, one of those pick and make it yourself kinda thing. It was ok, but could have made it myself really, given some fridge stocking.

We remembered to take the filo out of the freezer, so made my yummy meat parcels. I gotta give them a name, any takers? They have beef, celery, onion, mushroom, capsicum and zucchini.
Had it with a salad of lettuce, cucumber, red cabbage and olives. YUMMO!

The junk food binge has taken its toll, gained a kilo of the 7kg I lost, and feeling well round and squishy. So will be back on the super foods again, will do a grocery shop tomorrow after work.

I finish up on Friday, and have a couple of weeks off before I start my new job, so planning on getting to the gym more and cooking up a super storm. Which reminds me, only a few days left before the fishy cooking challenge, please vote! Top right. Thanks! xxx


Meredith said...

It's almost a mirepoix. So maybe Beef Mirepoix Parcels. Or, mirepoix is French so maybe French Beef Parcels. Or French Anna Parcels?

Spans said...

Hey Mez! Its almost a mirepoix although I don't use carrots or turnips etc, or cut them into 1cm cubes, its more rustic & chunky and tomato based. I think Beef Parcels might be the default though, I wish it was as creative as a Mez Egg! How about NBP? Nameless Beef Parcels?!