March 11, 2011

After the awesome burger showdown last night (great job Lee!) I was keen to get to 12pm today for the leftovers. I also had a great conversation about cooking and food with my mum last night, thanks mum.

Breakfast this morning was average, I am giving rice milk a crack and had porridge and it was hideous. Then watched the clock until it was burger o'clock which redeemed everything. Seriously good pork burgers!

Currently waiting for Lee to come home, he should finish in the next hour or so, but it sounds pretty hectic. In the mean time I am going to have a crack at making the mushroom dip we had when in Guelph. I have no idea how its going to turn out but keen to give it a red hot go.

No idea what is for dinner tonight, will work it out with Lee when he makes it home.

We are heading up to the McGregor's chalet tonight for the weekend so I will make sure I take pics of all the food and update thoroughly when we return on Sunday. Until then, happy eatings everyone!


Unknown said...

Was it the porridge or the rice milk that was hideous?

Spans said...

Hey Leah!
It was the rice milk, porridge is porridge after all eh!
I am not a huge milk drinker anyway, but this is going to take some getting used to....