December 6, 2011

Half a grapefruit again, then off to work, again. Another muesli bar for a mid morning snack, and by the time lunch was approaching I was thinking of my asparagus soup in the fridge and was totally uninspired by it. I think I am coming close to being all souped out! Luckily Lee came to the rescue and suggested a pita (nearly all pita'd out also, come to think of it... they are just so cheap and easy, and I dunno, yummy?!), and dropped one off to me at work. Yay!

By the time dinner came around I think we were both pretty hungry, so I made the chicken I was meant to make the night before, but it was with pecans instead (seems to be a walnut shortage, is this a Christmas thing?). And bloody 'eck, it was good!

Was just oven roasted, it still crisped up a bit so my thoughts where it didn't need frying. The side salad was lovely also, I have my radish on these days it seems. Mmmm. Radish.

I hate to admit to it but I did snack later on, I got peckish and was craving something sweet. So jam on bread it was for me. Better than a baggie of maltesers I guess.... still, shouldn't be snacking before bed.

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