December 3 & 4, 2011 - The Weekend

So when Lee is on night shift over the weekend, its pretty lazy days for me. I try to tiptoe around the house and end up making way more noise than I should.

Saturday - I slept in, which was nice, so ended up having berries & nuts around... gosh, I think 1pm? So when Lee was ready for his lunch, I was pretty hungry. I cooked up some chicken and make some wraps in spinach tortillas. They were actually pretty good! We also snacked on some pita crisps with some eggplant dip. Mmmm.

Again, later on, I got snacky, so I had some bread with jam.

Sunday - Didn't sleep in that much, had some breakfast (berries/nuts, you know the drill) and had left over chicken in a wrap for lunch. I ended up finishing the pita crisps in the afternoon before Lee even woke up. For dinner, I had some amazing green soup (asparagus & leek). Check it out!!!

I am loving my soup creations!
And thats me up to date. Lee is on his last night shift tonight until January, so I have some kitchen plans this week. Might even stick him back in the kitchen! Originally I was planning this big December Send Off, being my last month of blogging everything I eat for a whole year. Well, I have been lazy. Tired. A bit sick. A bit sick of blogging. And I have had other things on my mind. Plus with going to Australia for just over two weeks, not sure how much cooking I will be doing, but hopefully some! And I know that even if I don't cook much, I will be eating some delicious home goodies. Looking forward to seeing yall!

So 11 months down, one to go.... lets make the most of it, eh?!

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