November 8, 2011

So I found out something interesting, have my food test results back. The dairy piece is confirmed, definitely an allergy, the good news is I don't seem to have a problem with wheat (hoorah!), but there is a huge downside. And by huge, I mean massive. Turns out I am allergic to... GARLIC. What the...? I find out more about it on tomorrow.

So for breakfast I had just the berries with the flax seed, and some almonds. No more greek yogurt. *cries*

Lunch was healthy soup, again, and it was delicious, again.

I made some additional foods as I really do get hungry during the day. I made a tomato and olive salad:

When I made it I reached for the pickles but realised, they are garlic pickles. What?! *cries*. Do you know how many things have garlic in it? Like... just about everything.

Also had some more berries with some pecans in the afternoon. Kinda ate them more for the sake of eating them than hungry. Never mind.

Dinner was meant to be steak but turned out to be a chicken quesadilla. Cos that's how we roll in the de Souza household, always keeping it real. Anyway...

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