November 6, 2011

Slept in and missed double spin, I am still feeling on the rank side. I still made the pre gym breakfast though, poached eggs on toast with goats cheese and sliced tomato, and cracked pepper.

Kind of an eggy weekend really, totally goes against my two eggs per week rule. Still, I love a poached egg, still not very good at them but they taste like poached eggs so who cares right?

Made soup for lunch, and for lunches this week. Leek & ginger, with a few other veggies from the fridge thrown in there for good measure.

I know I said I would try to cook something interesting this week but its been a bit of a nightmare. Energies low, a feeling of 'meh' in the air, and Lee and I have been feeling a bit lazy and overwhelmed so it didn't really happen.  This week will be a bit boring too I think, freezer food & left overs, then its off to New York for four days of big apple shenanigans. No doubt a detox when we get back, and then I think I will kick the cooking up a notch before heading to Australia in December.

We had a snack (or as we call it, a sneck) in the afternoon whilst oot and aboot, chipotle dip with pita bread. It was cheesy, but it was actually pretty good. I love it when Lee says things like 'yeah, I like it, but you could make better'. Best husbandman ever.

Roast beef for dinner, I had a sirloin tip in the freezer so why not eh? Its Sunday after all. Managed to create some magical yorkies too, it was my first shot at them and they were sensational! Will add photos later...

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