November 2, 2011

Wow I am a bit behind, time for some catch up... Let's see..

Ok, so Wednesday was an interesting day, it threw the rest of the week right off, and here's why...
Breakfast as usual, this time the grapefruit was pretty sour and really didn't rate on the enjoyment scale. By the time lunch came around I was starving. Had the final lot of the soup:

Was delicious, but was a bit over it, after three days in a row.

Snacked on some of those loud pita snacks again in the afternoon, then cancelled gym as neither of us really felt like it. Instead we went for a pint. The pint turned into a quesadilla as neither of us were inspired by the hunk of mince meat I defrosted. This is what ruined the rest of week actually, but more about that later.

Two maple cookies in the evening, and we were done.

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