November 28, 2011

Morning started with half a grapefruit. I seem to have done something to my leg, my right calf is dead sore, kind of like I had a cramp, but didn't. Odd. Had fun hobbling around all day... not! And missed gym, again.

Lunch was soup, and I have to say for healthy soup, this soup kicks butt.

I followed it with some raspberries, blackberries, pecans & flaxseed with a dash of maple syrup. Gotta keep those minerals up eh?

Dinner was chicken breast, I stuffed it with goats cheese and wrapped it in bacon. I have to say, I know I talk about bacon all the time but really don't eat it very often. It was pretty good, but... it was no prosciutto. I heart prosciutto! I roasted up some asparagus and zucchini in balsamic, and made a tomato and radish salad with spring onion. Deeeeelish, except we both agreed prosciutto is better!

A little while after dinner we demolished a small bag of peanut m&m's.

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