July 30, 2011

Bad form, I skipped breakfast, but did sneak in a piece of that dark coffee chocolate somehow. Whoops.

Lunch was officially breakfast in that case, and I had eggs benedict, we both did. It came with what they call 'house fries', but are essentially just potato chunks. It looked like this:

And it was pretty good! As were the three pints it was washed down with, another whoops. It was such a beautiful day sitting outside was just lovely, so we stayed a little longer than we should have.

Dinner? Well, dinner we continued the whoops theme of the day, and fell upon some pizza while watching a movie. And it was delicious. But definitely overindulgent. As was finishing off the dark coffee chocolate....

July 29, 2011

Rightio. For breakfast I had half a mango and half a grapefruit. They were totally opposite in taste but for some reason it was delicious together. Bit of fructose in the morning never hurt anyone....

The aircon at work was still stuffed so it was roasting in there, and my hunger levels were minimal when it came to my yogurt, fruit & ground flax seed, which I left lovingly in the fridge. Lee had the day off (going on night shift as of Monday, boooo) so he came and met me for lunch. Purely through indecision and rumbling bellies we went with grilled chicken pitas. Sorry no photos, grumbling belly won the priority challenge!

Dinner though, dinner was something else. We felt like picky foods, and so I threw this together:

We have baked goats brie with quince paste and crushed walnuts. We have three types of green olives: chilli, garlic stuffed and sundried tomato. We have pumpkin hummus, a cows brie that tasted insanely earthy, a little sweet and kind of like mushrooms, some calabrese & pickled peppers, and some flat crisp bread - chilli & basil, and rosemary. Oh my god what a feast. It kept us going for a couple of hours! Deeeelish.

Oh and then we had a couple of pieces of dark chocolate with coffee beans. Drool.

For those who haven't visited in a while, please vote on my new cooking challenge poll - top right. The challenge is LittleThings, so I am really keen on the results of this one! Any of them will be fun to make.

Also, you may have noticed I have started a 'slide show' of all the photos of food I have taken this year for the blog. I thought refreshing the blog with a nice new background and a slide show of the last 7 months of food might be good motivation to keep it going and try to keep it interesting for the remaining five months.

Catch ya soon, happy eatings!


July 28, 2011

Ok, I started the day with half a grapefruit, then Lee dropped me off at the gym for a pretty hard spin class. Nice. When I got in to work I had a fruit salad of strawberries, blueberries and nectarine with some greek yogurt and some honey. Delicious.

Lunch was 'going' to be an unfulfilling salad. Tres boring. I was way too hungry to even contemplate it, so instead my boss and I went to the Mongolian Grill, and I had this:

Much more filling and satisfying that my average salad! For those who haven't been to a Mongolian grill its basically like a buffet of raw food, you fill a bowl with what you want, take it to the cooks in the centre who have a big round hot plate they stand around all day stinking of meat & grill, and they cook it up for you like a stir fry using big sticks. This one was pork, tofu, cabbage, corn and broccoli. To be honest, we didn't really eat like this in Mongolia, until we went to a Mongolian grill in Ulaanbaatar which was full of westies, not so much Mongolians. Bring back mutton I say! There's nuttin' like mutton. And crazy pepper. Damn I miss Mongolian crazy pepper.

For dinner I cooked up something really yummy - apricot stuffed chicken breast wrapped in prosciutto with some roasted green and yellow zucchini sprinkled with parmigiano reggiano and some herbs. Delicious. Lee and I both agreed we prefer goats cheese stuffed chicken than the apricot, but it was still completely 'nomable' (new word I am trying out).

And that was it for Thursday. I am nearly at the end of blogging everything I have eaten for 7 months, only 5 months to go. Looking forward to my next cooking challenge, if you haven't already voted, please do! Same place, top right of the screen.

Thanks yall! xx

July 26 & 27, 2011

Eeeek! Sorry, really busy. Have to do an uber quick update!

26 July:

Had half a grapefruit, cycled in to work and had a fruit salad when I arrived. Same thing as usual, berries, greek yogurt and some chopped nuts. Mmmmm.

Lunch was pork salad, sooo good.

Dinner was a chicken pita from our favourite pita place. It was late, I had just done two gym classes and Lee finished at 7 so we thought yep, lets get some food into us pronto! And it was good, as usual.

I got hungry later so I 'snacked' on a small sanga. I had my heart set on baked beans but we are out! So I had (please dont judge me) refried beans instead. It was ok, but definitely not something to write home about.

27 July

Half a grapefruit and some nectarine for breakfast. Cycled in to work, had a fruit salad of nectarine, strawberries and blackberries, with the yogurt.

Lunch was a disaster, I had prawns again and made an awesome dipping sauce, but something happened to the prawns... They went funky, so couldn't eat them. Bleh! I had a small tub of broccoli slaw so that got me through the day.

Went out for 'dinner' with colleagues, wings was the mission. So wings it was, with sweet potato fries. Terrible! But pretty tasty :P.

And thats it. Here's hoping today brings better food opportunities! Will write later, sorry, gotta go! Spin class is calling....

July 25, 2011

So the rum ball was destroyed last night, thank goodness, no more in the house. There 'may' have been a piece of baklava too... who am I kidding... of course there was and it was so good!

For breakfast I had a grapefruit, then when I cycled into work I had a fruit salad of strawberries, blackberries and blueberries, with greek yogurt and chopped walnuts topped with a small squeeze of honey. LUSH.

Lunch was small but tasty - prawn salad with pickled peppers (my new favourite thing), lettuce, tomato and avocado, with a squeeze of lime. It was pretty good, but not really mind blowing:

Dinner was roasted pork loin with apricots & a salad (kind of like lunch, sans avocado but with egg). And I have to say, I winged it but totally pulled it off, it was like a tidy summer dinner, and enough to feed an army. Guess who's having pork and salad for lunch tomorrow... No ryvitas!

Now relaxing with a glass of red, the weather is cooling and I foresee (fingers crossed) for a decent night sleep. Thinking of yall back home, wish we could all share a meal sooner than later. xx

July 23 & 24, 2011

For some reason I thought I wrote yesterday's entry, apparently not...

Ok so yesterday I was bad. I had half a grapefruit only for breakfast, and we didn't have lunch until 2:30pm. We went out for lunch, somewhere we hadn't been before. I had a grilled chicken wrap with salad, Lee ate a massive basket of chicken wings. I couldn't resist, and had two of his wings, they were... massive! No picture though I am afraid.

We were meant to have a caesar (salad) for dinner, however we had a friend come over to 'supervise' our furniture construction, as we just got back from Ikea. She bought some dips and some carrots & bread sticks, so we tucked into those, and found we didn't really need salad. I made some caesars (drinks) with pickles and pickled peppers, naturally we ate the garnishes.

Managed a late night treat of half a small cheesecake with Lee. Was pretty good, but still think the butter pecan tart was better.

Today I was a bit better, breakfast was an apple and a nectarine, and I made some vege quasedillas for lunch - refried beans, olives, tomatoes and goats cheese on wholegrain tortillas baked in the oven. Yum.

This afternoon we went out to do some grocery shopping, and we stumbled across a discounted pizza stone, so we bought it. Now in the market for a good thin crust pizza dough recipe, anyone?

Made us caesars (drinks) when we got home, again with the edible garnish, which looks like this:

Dinner was caesar salad (confused yet?!) and it was ah....may....zing! Far out, I never knew it could be this good at home. Garlic free is not an option. Grilled the chicken, I added pickled peppers (as much fun to say as it is to eat), I crisped up some prosciutto on the new pizza stone, and added some parmigiano reggiano, poached some eggs, sprinkled some paprika and voila.

There may or may not be some rum ball consumption going on later, I will let you know tomorrow. Until then, gnite yall, happy eatings xxx

July 22, 2011

Another breakfast of half a grapefruit and half a nectarine, skipping the ol' ryvita. Its so hot that fruit from the fridge is nothing short of amazing.

Lunch was left over chicken from last night mixed up with avocado and tomato. Yep, on ryvitas, again, have a look (seriously I need to start taking in something else for lunch, this is getting boring!):

Lee stopped by my work and dropped off a green iceypole! How sweet eh? Naturally I skipped my fruit salad. So after work we were pretty hungry, and were not due at our friends place until 8ish for dinner, so we went for a pint and a 'snack' which consisted of prawns, half a porkadilla and some antojitos (which are really unhealthy, whoops) with some corn chips and flat bread. We didn't get through it all, but managed the important pieces. That was at about 5pm, so when 8 came we were ready.

And we finally got the turkey burgers! The ones we left in their freezer that were meant for the white water rafting trip. Well, what can I say, they were spectacular. Boursin, caramelized onion, avocado, spicy turkey patty all on a thin bun. Mmmmm. And topped off with a delicious salad of lettuce, toasted almonds, pineapple, peas and some sort of noodle things. Oh and of course oven baked sweet potato fries. Thanks Hughezenbacher's!

And well, if our evening wasn't naughty enough, Lee and I stumbled over these bad boys in Vincenzo's on our way:

I had half a pecan tart and a bite of pistachio baklava. Naturally there is loads left over. Cant wait to try the Turtle Cheesecake!

July 21, 2011

A few days late, but still here....

For breakfast I had half a grapefruit and half a nectarine. No ryvita with cottage cheese, just didn't feel like it.

That was it until lunch, I had left over pork cut up and mixed with pickles and olives with a spoon of sour cream. Sounds a bit hideous but it was really good. Ate that mix on some ryvitas:

Yep, my lunches all look the same! My boss said it looked good until I told her what it was. She thought pork and pickles sounded disgusting, and thought it was pregnancy food. Ah well, at least I am not wasting food eh? Leftovers rock. And no, I am not pregnant.

It was icecream day at work, I skipped that and had a fruit salad of half a nectarine, some blackberries and a handful of blueberries with some greek yogurt. Oh and of course my usual sprinkling of walnuts. Delicious! Wasn't icecream though... *sigh*

For dinner I made chicken quesadillas - cooked chicken breast chopped up and thrown between two whole grain tortillas with refried beans, goats cheese, spring onion & our good friend garlic tobasco. I made some guac and served it up like this:

Before you think we are the worlds biggest pigs, these are small plates, not the big ones!

And that was it for Thursday.

July 20, 2011

Breakfast was half a grapefruit and half a nectarine. Really yummy stuff. Also had my ryvita with cottage cheese. Not exactly yummy stuff but not yucky. It's just... stuff.

Lunch was pretty good, half an avocado mixed with a teaspoon of sour cream, a generous douse of garlic tobasco and chopped up grape tomatoes.

I had a tasty fruit salad in the afternoon - the rest of the nectarine from breakfast, blackberries and blueberries with two spoons of greek yogurt and chopped walnuts. It was free ice cream day, it didn't really compare to the others eating their delicious dairy treats, but I stuck with my fruit and yogurt and I guess I feel better for it....

Dinner was awesome. Roasted chipotle pork loin with a salad of lettuce, tomato, goats cheese and olives. So good. Sorry I didn't get a picture, there wasn't time... with all the hunger going on! Did a strength class at the gym after work today and it was tough, really worked up an appetite.

That's it for today. Nite yall!

July 19, 2011

Had a good day today... food wise. Started with half a grapefruit and half an apple for breakfast.

Lunch was chicken breast & half an avocado on two ryvitas, looked like this and tasted pretty good:

Had a snack of a few strawberries and the other half of the apple in the afternoon.

Dinner was a three egg baked omelet with goats cheese, grape tomatoes, asparagus & yellow zucchini. And a side salad. 

All topped off with a blackberry & nectarine 'sundae' (greek yogurt, honey and some chopped walnuts). YUM YUM! And so ends another busy hot day. Would rather be white water rafting again, thats for sure....

July 16, 17 and 18... Road trip and camping food

So what a big weekend.... Where to start. I guess with breakfast on Saturday. We had an uber early start, I had a nectarine and greek yogurt with some ground flax seed for breakfast. Yum.

Lunch was on the road, and I wish I was smarter about my delicious decision, but I had a Harvey's burger. The Great Canadian burger, to be precise, that and its side of fries were soooo good. But sooooo naughty.

The car trip also involved some sour keys (chewy sour jellies shaped like keys), and when we finally arrived at our camp site in Davidson, Quebec, we were rather hungry and snacked on some awesome lime flavoured corn chips, never had those before, they were really good.

For dinner I cooked up a bean salad and some parma wrapped stuffed chicken breast, and that went down a treat! Also had some broccoli slaw which was pretty good.

Another early start on Sunday, I had a muffin and a banana for breakfast, and it got me through the first half of our white water rafting day. Scary stuff! They provided lunch, which was vegetable wraps, I ate lightly because I didn't want to barf off the raft in the afternoon, so by dinner time I was knackered and hungry (we all were). We snacked on a bag of doritos while enjoying a post rafting beverage (or three).

Our friends Heather and Mike who we went rafting with cooked us up an amazing dinner of yummy hamburgers with garlic and chive potatoes. Oh my god, so good. Originally they were going to cook us turkey burgers (a whole other story), the burgers were actually made but left behind! Whoops. Still these were awesome, included was boursin, avocado and home made caramelized onions. *drool*

This photo doesn't do it justice, the light was bad (and the weather was terrible!) plus I didn't want to waste time taking a picture, I wanted to be eating it!

Today I had strawberries, raspberries and blackberries with greek yogurt for breakfast. Also snacked on some marshmallows in the car that were meant for a campfire that we did not have. They were... ok I guess. Uber sweet.

We stopped off for lunch on the way back, I had a bbq chicken pizza with a caesar salad:

Couldn't finish it all, but it was pretty good! The dairy overload, however, took its toll and the last two hours of the drive were pretty difficult.

Dinner was light and lazy, Vietnamese. We ordered a Vietnamese salad, it was different from last time, it had lettuce instead of rice noodles... What?! Still, was tasty. Had a bbq pork roll too, was awesome.

And that's it. I might write up a story about our weekend, too tired right now. Peace out yall xxx

July 15, 2011

So on Friday.... I had peaches and greek yogurt for breakfast, and it was delicious.

For lunch, I went to Wild Wings with a colleague. I ordered five boneless chicken wings with a garden salad, it was on the lunch special and looks like this:

I was confused by the salad, last time I checked cheese and croutons didn't grow in the garden... The wings were nothing to write home about, but it was nice to get it out of the office.

I was starving after work but Lee wasn't so we had a hard time figuring out what to do, especially as we had so much to do before the weekend. So we went to Ethels, and I had a porkadilla. Man I love those things!
I also helped Lee eat his nacho pie. So good.

July 14, 2011

Well yesterday was a bit naughty. It started well, with this:

Half of a very pink grapefruit & ryvita, and the new player, low fat cottage cheese. It looks better than it was really.

For lunch I had a fresh tomato and olive mix on a toasted thin bun with a bit of goats cheese. Had the same thing recently, and it was just as yummy. Although not as yummy as the chicken sanga I had yesterday, geeeez! That was awesome. *looks at clock* time to get over it I guess.
After lunch I had a fruit salad of nectarines, strawberries and raspberries:

So good. Although by the time work finished, I was starving. This is when things start to go downhill... Lee the lucky bugger was at a work thing stuffing his face with amazing steak at The Keg. Me on the other hand, looked in the fridge, and wasn't as blessed with the meaty goodness as Lee. I had a bowl of broccoli slaw and two spoons of baked beans straight from the fridge. Feeling pretty sorry for myself I head out with some friends for a drink to talk about this weekends camping adventure and our 'to do' list, and ended up falling on a massive plate of sweet potato fries. *cries* god they are good! But so bad.

So this weekend we have planned camping trip up near Ottawa, about a 7 hour drive. For our anniversary weekend (that's right, 2 years married, and something like 9 years together... what?!) we are going white water rafting.  We are planning on having some good food times, so stay tuned!

July 13, 2011

So last night after dinner we stumbled across a block of Lindt dark mint chocolate. Man that stuff is delicious. Didn't eat it all, but you know whats left wont last long.

This morning was the new usual - trusty grapefruit and the sidekick of cottage cheese on ryvita. It was ok.... I guess. It does fill me up, but I dunno.... I might take a pic of it tomorrow for visuals.

Lunch today was half a chicken fillet mixed with avocado and goats cheese in a slider bun. It was awesome:

Please excuse the foil, it was a means to get the frozen bun in to work and we don't have plates that are not paper or plastic (why make more waste when I have my sturdy trusty foil left over?).
My yogurt was consumed pretty much straight afterwards, this time with ground flax seed instead of crushed walnuts, and I have to say... its much better fresh, not sitting there all day ended up looking manky:

A little bit tragic but still good. I have to say though, work is a dangerous place for me to eat dairy, glad my team wasn't around... *cough cough*

Dinner was poached salmon with mango salad (well, salad with mango in it, alongside lettuce, tomato, avocado and pumpkin seeds), and I threw a chilli ginger soy dressing over it. It was really good, I love poaching salmon, the house doesn't stink like fish afterwards! We then ate the remainder of the Lindt mint chocolate from last night. Mmmm.

I thought the time was ripe for a new challenge. I was not really a fan of my last challenge, plus it was extremely delayed and a half assed attempt, not to mention frustrating as f#$! not being able to find key ingredients. I am quite excited about the new challenge though, as Lee and I love nibbles. I love having 'a bit of this, a bit of that', and the eating process can go on for some time, its not like eat one meal and then you are done for the day. So on that note please feel free to vote. Its not for a few weeks and I am hoping to cook something a bit more interesting and adventurous in the mean time.
To add, feel free to suggest anything you like - remember its summer on this side! Mez, I am going to 'try' to get to your dessert but the timing and opportunities keep missing each other.  Soon I hope!

'night yall xxx

July 12, 2011

Today was a tough day. Started with half a grapefruit and a ryvita with cottage cheese. I dunno, there is something about eating cottage cheese first thing in the morning doesn't exactly float my boat. Especially chugged down with half a sour grapefruit. Still that's what the dietitian said so I am gonna keep on trying.... for now. I still love my usual grapefruit, happy to keep that going at least.

I had another greek yogurt mix today when I got in to work, they are truly awesome. Only two heaped teaspoons of yogurt with about 5 raspberries, one chopped up strawberry, a sprinkling of crushed raw walnuts and about a teaspoon worth of honey drizzled over the top. Yummy yum yum yum. Who know protein in a non-meat form could be so delicious?!

Lunch was left overs from last night, no picture, it looked a little tragic today compared to yesterday, so will leave it at that. Was still good though.

Today has been manic crazy busy, and a little stressful to be honest. Was meant to go to a gym class but cancelled it, opting for a 30min nap before dinner instead.
Dinner was... you guessed it, more beef filos! This time with a lovely fresh salad of lettuce, tomato, cucumber and avocado.

Tonight is the last night on the beef filo front, there was less veg in them this time so they didn't stretch as far. Tomorrow I am thinking poached salmon with a spicy mango salad.

Until then, peace out xx

June 11, 2011

Sausages last night were pretty good, we had two each with a salad. We both has a massive hankering for icecream (its so bloody hot) but I threw together some greek yogurt with fresh berries and nuts instead. Almost as good... almost.

Breakfast today was a bit different. Still with the half a grapefruit, but instead of a dry ryvita or one with peanut butter on it, I had cottage cheese. I saw the dietitian at my new gym, he reckons I need more protein so has made a few changes to my diet. He is also the one who told me to ditch the other yogurt I have been eating and switch to Greek.

When I got in to work I had a delicious greek yogurt mix, the same as last night and it was awesome. Doesn't look like much but check it out:

For lunch I had a chicken salad. Half a chicken breast with lettuce, tomato, capsicum and olives. Well, it was good but it didn't touch the sides. I ended up getting some chilli beef from Tim Hortons (big mistake) as I was really really hungry. There wasn't much nutritional value to the chilli, sooo.... Here's the salad:

Lee finished his course early today (work thing) so he came to get me, and man it is SO HOT. It says '31 degrees, feels like 39'. The humidity here is a killer. So we went for a pint, and shared some sweet potato fries, whoops.

For dinner I made beef filos which were delicious, although missing mushroom. Also had a side of broccoli slaw. This time I dressed it with just seeded mustard and balsamic. This slaw is awesome, we buy it by the bag at the supermarket, undressed, and you can do whatever you want with it. I am so glad Krista got us on to this fab idea, its delicious! And I cant imagine neatly chopping the broccoli like this, not even with The President.

July 10, 2011

Another apple for breakfast, we only did the grocery shopping today.

For lunch, I had two ryvitas with cottage cheese and tomato with some spring onion. Really tasty, but for some reason I cant shake the image of me running into the welcome open arms of a pint. Maybe later this afternoon?

For dinner we have sausages. Hot Italian sausages. I don't know about anyone else, but I chuckle at the name 'hot Italian sausage'. That's not why I bought them, no! It's just the immature chuckles I get on the side :P
We picked up some more broccoli slaw, so will probably have that on the side.

Really looking forward to this up coming week. It's a bit boring and on the healthy side, but will be good none the less. Can't wait to crack into the tub of Greek yogurt we just purchased, and I am hanging to break in my new trainers at the gym. Female much?!

July 9, 2011

For breakfast I had an apple. Once again we were out of grapefruit.

Lunch was on the go, I had a cajun chicken salad which was actually really good, check it:

I was a bit confused with the corn chips, they were not on the menu, but I have to say a pleasant but not necessarily healthy surprise!

We went to a friends housewarming party in the arvo, where Lee and I tried our darnedest to not eat too much of the spanakopita, three pieces later we had to relocate, it was too tasty. Got me thinking, I haven't made spanakopita since my cooking course.... maybe in the next couple of weeks? Until then, I will continue to say spanakopita. Almost as much fun as Gruyere.

For dinner I had chicken and prawn lettuce wraps, which were again very tasty, but I was pretty full. Also had two spring rolls, I am such a sucker.

June 8, 2011

Last night after posting I got snacky and had some sour cream n chives rice crackers. 15 of them actually....

Breakfast as usual, although I had peanut butter on my ryvita this morning. Somehow I managed to not eat anything until lunch time, I blame being busy at work. I do prefer to have a snack of some sort, apparently my metabolic typing says I should 'graze' but sometimes I find it difficult. Mostly though, grazing is not a problem, hehehe.

This was my lunch:

A mix of nothing but fresh tomato and sliced green olives on a toasted thin bun with some goats cheese. I made the mix at home, chucked some goats cheese in some foil, popped it in the container and voila, lunch. It was actually really really good, nothing really to it, but I have to say, it didn't touch the sides. I had one of those moments where you go to grab something to have a bite or whatever and there is none left, and you think 'shit, where did it go?!' and it takes a few moments to realise you ate it all, and then you get sad. Don't pretend you haven't had one of those moments!

I had some more rice crackers this afternoon, and then for dinner, well dinner was simple, but ended up tasting bloody amazing, no idea why. Chicken & roast veg, including tomato with Gruyere. That's right, Gruyere. Life is so much better with Gruyere. Plus I really like saying Gruyere. Typing it isn't so much fun though.

Other than a couple of glasses of red, that's it for today. Bring on the weekend yall!

July 7, 2011

Half a grapefruit and a dry ryvita for breakfast this morning, then it was off to work.

I had an apple when I got in to work, and that got me through to lunch, which was this:

Thai noodle soup from a packet. Boring, but it was ok and not fatty or calorific.

In the afternoon I ate a yogurt and yep, 5 brazil nuts *sigh*.  So by the time the shitty day was over we were both starving. We still had some thin buns left from the night before, so I cooked up some chook and made these, and they were AWESOME:

It was so good, that I had to have a ryvita with avocado, tomato and lettuce chaser. Mmmmm. That bbq sauce is nothing short of amazing, I would eat it on salad if I could!

Mmmmm ok, thats it, until tomorrow... happy eatings xx

June 06, 2011

This morning we were running a bit late, but still managed half a grapefruit and a dry ryvita for breakfast.

Later in the morning at work I had a yogurt with some brazil nuts. I am limiting myself to 5 every day, I love brazil nuts but I could seriously just sit there and eat a whole bag, not very healthy of me!

Lunch was Lee's left overs from last night, and looked like this:

And yes, before you say anything, the rissole is a little burnt. I think its our pan, because we cooked up some more tonight and something similar happened. Either way it was a tasty rissole, and it got me through most of the afternoon. I say most because I was a bit stressed this afternoon and hooked into a bag of bbq rice crackers. No big deal, right? Although stress eating is a bit of a problem, need to curb that somehow....

Well, dinner was awesome, we had more rissoles but in thin buns with lettuce, tomato, avocado, mayonnaise & bbq sauce:

And that's it for today!

July 5, 2011

Started the day with a ryvita with peanut butter really early, then hauled ass to my new gym for a hardcore spin session. First one in six months, it was tough. But we will get back in to it, yes, we will.

After spin we went to pick up some fruit salad, I had pineapple and strawberries, was delicious.
Later in the morning I ate a yogurt with some brazil nuts, and then at lunch I had the same chicken salad on ryvitas. It was pretty good actually.

After work I went to my boss's house, she invited the team over for drinks and nibbles. We sipped on gin with real lemonade and mint, and ate prawns, pita bread with hummus and there was some brie and jelly which was awesome but I only had one. Go me..... *cries*

Later when we got home I ate half a rissole that Lee made for his dinner, in bread. Then hit the hay. What a great day!

July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day yall folks in the US!

Last night for dinner we ended up having a chicken salad mix on ryvitas. Basically its oven roasted chicken breast cut up into tiny pieces with some veg - in this case, yellow capsicum, celery & spring onion. I mixed in some hot tequila bbq sauce for good measure, and a teaspoon of low fat mayo. I didn't get a picture, but I had it for lunch today so feel free to scroll down. Either way it was the light fare we were after and it was nothing short of satisfying.

Breakfast today was two ryvitas with peanut butter, and a coffee. I had stuff all sleep for no apparent reason so we decided not to ride in. Good decision. Busy day, had lunch at the usual lunch o'clock but didn't have time for much else. This was lunch:

This afternoon I managed to eat half an apple and at around 3pm I had a yogurt with about 5 brazil nuts.  Yawn.

Dinner was meant to be meat filo things but the meat didn't defrost. A quick trip to the supermarket and we came back with a lean pork tenderloin and a broccoli slaw mix. I mixed it up with some mustard, a bit of mayo (would have used a light sour cream or even a natural yogurt but we forgot to get some).
I love honey & ginger glazed pork. Soooo good.

That's it for today!

So far this month.... July 2011

Ok so we haven't really been home so it will be another combined update. This is how our July is panning out so far.

Firstly, Friday was Canada Day and it was heaps o'fun, we went to our good friend Krista's house, and had a feast! Lee and I had a quick bite before we left, we had a cashew bar each and then a peanut butter ryvita. Out of grapefruit you see.

When we got to Krista's we had broccoli coleslaw on ryvitas, delicious! I wish I got a photo. Never heard of broccoli slaw before, I am so going to make some.

In the afternoon the snacks begun - chipotle stuffed olives, a cheese platter (merlot cheddar, onion cheddar, chilli goats harvati and an apple & cinnamon lancashire), and some champers.

Dinner was a feast also - pork & veg kebabs, cajun prawns & prosciutto wrapped scallops in lemon on the bbq. Deeeelishus! Definitely an overload, we had two salads we didn't touch - spinach, orange & poppy seed with goats cheese and candied pecans, and an apple, lettuce & chickpea salad with lemon dressing.

Check it out yall:

For dessert Krista made a lemon posset and it was bloody delicious, even if the cream didn't agree with me it was still worth it! That and the strong batches of margaritas we were cranking out, way too much fun.

On Saturday we lounged around in the morning, I had a left over pork kebab for breakfast and we had an early lunch of chicken and beef sliders. Was delicious, I wish I got a photo. We finally got to the salads from the night before, and they were awesome (pics stolen from the night before). The sliders were had with left over slaw, salads, guacamole, and condiments ahoy. Delicious.

We head out to the McGregor's in the afternoon and lounged by the pool for a few hours snacking on the left over cheese & grapes before Alix cooked us an amazing dinner of beef fillet with asparagus and roasted vegetables, where I ate three carrots. That's right, I ate three baby carrots, and they were really tasty.
There was a massive storm and the power went out, so it was double the fun. We really love it out there, its beautiful in the winter, and stunning in the summer, plus storms are awesome out there. Was a really lovely evening. And the beef was... well, fantastic, as usual.

This morning we got up after a little sleep in and Alix cooked us up some scrambled eggs with chives and some bacon. Really hit the spot. We departed late morning as we had loads of house things to do, like more laundry, supermarket shopping, cleaning, etc. All of which we have not done yet. Lee picked us up a sub for lunch and they were pretty good, haven't had subway in a while.

Doing some menu planning for the week ahead. The weather is simply beautiful so would like to eat some light healthy food this week and finally get back to the gym (I joined a new one through work, keen to get involved). No idea what we will have for dinner, but when we work it out I will update on that later.

Until then, peace out, happy eatings and catch yall soon. Thanks for the great weekend Krista! xxx

30 June, 2011

Ok, lets see. For breakfast I had one peanut butter ryvita. And a coffee.

Lee met me for lunch, and bought me a pita. I think our last one for a while, we really over did it!

Went out for drinks after work, shared a spinach & feta dip with a friend, then Lee met me and we went elsewhere for a further bite to eat. I had half a chicken sandwich. Yawn. It was average, hence the half.

And that was it! Boring day on the food front overall eh? But more exciting things to come...